Sunday, March 4, 2012

Voice Thread

Have you heard of Voice Thread?  It is a wonderful resource that has a free feature that I have used for a variety of presentations with my class. We used it for research projects in science and social studies. We also have published one that features our writing from Writer's Workshop and our voices narrating the story. Talk about engaged, but my students were ecstatic to do one. They often ask when we start a new unit if we will be celebrating by doing a voice thread. Check out my voice thread about leaders and government here.

We have been researching the U.S. regions in social studies that last few weeks. We've watched videos, read books, and now we are going to be making a voice thread and doing an art project to celebrate the end of the unit. Here is our work in progress.

We created circle maps for each region. The kids used them to record facts in preparation for the voice thread.

I love how this little one is pointing out a fact on this chart.

Are you missing a fact? Well, look in a book! We love using multiple resources in my class.
This is a copy of one of the circle maps.  We used information from books, movies, and post cars from pen pals. .

With that information we made a voice thread seen here.
Next came the art project - our scrap map!

Here is our finished map!

We celebrated today by watching our voice thread and eating USA Jello.

The last thing we did was put together a giant foam puzzle of the US. The kids were so cute using a map to help them find where each state went.

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