Here is a website that is interactive and perfect for a smart board. It illustrates a TON of math words. It has options for practice with some words. The kids love it and we consult this resource a lot on Mondays when we are beginning a new unit. This is a great start, but it's not enough. We also have a math word wall in our classroom. On it we put math words that we are exposed to during Fantastic Five and our math series.
Here is a product I made to help teach math words. It would be appropriate for 2nd or 3rd grade students.
Now that we are approaching the end of the year we have some time in our math pacing guide to do some reviewing. I made this resource as a review of the topics we have covered in math this year. It is the ABC'S of math. Each letter is basically a heading for some practice problems. It's not anything too fancy but will be a good guide for me the last two weeks of school. It will also let me get back into my cabinet and get out the favored games for each topic. My plan is to use the binding machine and put them together like a book. I hope the kids will keep them and consult them some on rainy days this summer!
Leave me a comment and your email address and I'll give a copy of our book to the first person to respond.
Click the picture of the book to head on over to my TpT store to grab a copy.
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